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Sunday, January 8, 2012

Effective way of blog promotion

How does an effective way of promoting your blog? "

I answer: "Post one article per day .... at least ".
Yes, posting articles to your blog at least one per day ... engga there another secret, and I hope I have. And if we discuss it further, this can be specified again. The answer I had two sections - read the rest of ya, do not stop until here aje.

Section 1. Content is everything.

 When a lot of questions "How do I promosiin blog?" Appears in the forum, it is not hard to answer, just say "Content is everything". Is it true that content is everything? All website / blog must have content. I mean here, delivering something that is desired by anyone else is everything. If it is content, then give the relevant content. If it is to provide direction / guidance, then give direction / guidance of good and useful. If it is about a good discount, then give information about the goods that have good quality and the price was cheap. If it's a sexy picture Lindsay Lohan, the images should telanjanglah that you provide. Give them what they ask for and certainly related to the theme of your site / blog.
There must be a reason that people visit your site / blog. Are loe deliver what they expect? If people visit your site / blog one day to find the PHP coding techniques, but on other occasions blog talking about the movie watching weekend loe, loe this would cause difficulties to build constant traffic to your blog.
Instead engga allowed to do so, may-be wrote, it's a blog ell. I also do it for my personal blog. I'm blogging about what I wrote that sukain to be written into my blog. Whether it is movies, music, Lindsay Lohan, or anything else. The problem is these blogs like engga have a definite niche for review. Engga have a blog without a niche target audience. Engga what-what the heck, if elo emang not have to multiply the target audience.
Give any readers want and do it consistently. Try to continue to create quality content on a regular basis. If elo engga can do it daily, do regular schedule. Loe could make a schedule for creating a post once per week or twice per week, or gimanalah loe can set the schedule, just consistent. If loe make posts three times a week consistently for a month, then the loe uadiens can expect it in accordance with the schedule loe it. Imagine if loe make a post one, or two times per day, then a visit to your blog will be in accordance with the schedule as well loe, so of course banyaaaaak really.
I suggest to better focus on content quality over quantity of content. Do not make posts just to fill your blog with posts, If others make a post about Apple's iPhone so let it wrote the theme. Ask yourself loe, loe what you can give? If loe have another point of view which is not yet featured on the post man, loe can still peeling, but if you do not make posts engga "I also have", you should not miss wrote.
Give readers what they want and do it consistently. If loe do that then people would come to visit and will consistently continue to visit as well.

Section 2. One Post Per Day.

"One post per day ..." posts do not need to always be on your blog! Go explore and visit the blogs of others. Get to know them and provide useful comments. I visited about 6 blogs per day, and provide about 4 to 5 comments per day. Again I say, do not make a post just for the sake of your blog, loe should have something useful to be discussed.
If loe just going to say something that sounded like this, "Hello, nice blog ya, stop ya - do not forget to also visit my blog", you should revert loe intention to comment. Try to contribute to the ongoing discussion. If engga can do that, maybe loe engga fit for the business track blogs.
Commenting on other people's blogs is also a great way to sharpen what's in your blog. I myself often open my blog to make posts after getting the information I got from other blogs. I will comment on other blog posts and go back to my blog and process it back into my blog posts - a sort of inspiration so, if the songwriter says.
I can also say loe should forget about commenting on other people's blogs if loe goals only to meet the demands or conditions of the search engines. Most blogs add no-follow tag on their links links for search engines. So once again, give something useful.
There is no standard way to promote your blog quickly. Need to work hard, if loe like the topic of your blog, then loe must have time for blogging and certainly engga will feel like a job because loe happy. Reach kesuskesan blog by making one post at a scheduled time.


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