Alexa can only determine the traffic rank for a website if they are aware of the traffic. They do this by collecting the information gathered from their toolbar. This excludes traffic received from visitors that do not use their toolbar.
They Acknowledged The Biased Ranking
Before signing up for an account on a traffic exchange website, most webmasters and other potential members will check the Alexa traffic rank. They use that number to determine if the website is receiving enough traffic to make a membership worthwhile. One webmaster was kind enough to email me about Alexa, saying they showed "no data" for my site.
I sent a support request to Alexa about my site showing no data. The site is a traffic exchange on a domain registered in 1999 and it receives a lot of traffic by default. This is the reply I received:
Thank you for contacting Alexa Internet.
We do currently show traffic data for Because the site has a very low Reach (number of Alexa users who visit the site), the single-day rank might occasionally reflect NA meaning that no Alexa Toolbar users visited the site on a given day.
Thank you for your interest in Alexa.
Best Regards,
Alexa Internet Customer Service
Even though the traffic exchange is getting an average of 300 visitors a day, Alexa will not know about it unless the visitor has their toolbar installed. Now I admit that compared to Google, 300 visitors a day is low, but it does keep the site running.
Informing Alexa Of All Website Visitors
I wanted Alexa to know about "ALL" visitors my traffic exchange website was receiving, not just traffic from their toolbar users. I wanted them to know not because I support them, but because so many other users did. Users that were apparently unaware of the traffic-ranking prejudice. I accomplished this by installing the Alexa traffic rank banner on all of the pages within my website.
Free Advertising
The Alexa traffic rank banner is a free advertisment for them. Adding their banner to your site is a small price to pay for the increase in traffic rank. They offer several types of banners in different sizes, so it should be easy to one that fits your pages.
Since installing the code on January 15, 2007, the traffic rank for had improved by over 4.5 million within 15 days. That does not mean there was that much traffic. It means that the website had moved up the list from the number 6 million spot to approximately the 1 million spot.
You can view the Alexa traffic rank for the Checks4Free Traffic Exchange using this URL:
If your website has a low Alexa traffic rank, I hope the suggestion in this article will help you to improve your ranking as well. The help file on the Alexa website talks about the biased ranking. However, to the millions of users that base an opinion about a website using the Alexa traffic rank, numbers speak louder than words. Your only other option is to hope that more Alexa toolbar users visit your website.
Tim Predaina is with Checks 4 Free, a free manual traffic exchange - - that delivers real visitors to your websites. Visit: for information about writing articles for content to build traffic.
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