Stuxnet virus was potentially dangerous to replace Conficker. The reason, Stuxnet is far more dangerous than Conficker.
"The virus Stuxnet actually already appeared since some time ago and just came back in recent days," said Regional Consumer Product Marketing Manager of Symantec Asia Pacific David Hall, at Hotel Borobudur, Jakarta, Tuesday (28/09/2010).
Nevertheless, Hall added, the level of danger Stuxnet much worrying can make the position is replaced by the Conficker virus.
"If you look at the level of danger, Stuxnet seems Conficker will replace a few years ago horrendous computer users," he said.
"However, computer users need not worry because the current anti-virus company, I think, is to update the technology so that Stuxnet virus can be overcome. Included Norton Internet Security 2011, we had just launched," he said.
As reported previously, Stuxnet suspected sabotage of nuclear industris to cripple the existing system in Iran. This after a 60 percent success Stuxnet attack computer systems in the country, even by Symantec predicted 18 percent of computers in Indonesia have been infected with Stuxnet.
Today malware is predicted to have infected approximately 45,000 computers around the world system. Siemens AG, a company that designs systems to target the virus, said that if Stuxnet has infected 15 power plant control systems, including water filtration systems, oil drilling, electricity and nuclear power.
Source : okezone
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